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(click to enlarge)

Eastern Bluebird graph

Eastern Bluebird

House Finch graph

House Finch

Ring-necked Pheasant graph

Ring-necked Pheasant

cbc graph

Red-bellied Woodpecker

cbc graph

American Crow


Christmas Bird Counts

Northern Watertrush on 2012 Lakeshore CBC

When did it all begin?

In 1900, ornithologist Frank Chapman was disturbed at the slaughter of birds in the annual holiday event called the "side hunt". The team that shot the most birds and animals was the winner. As a protest, Chapman organized 27 friends in 25 locations on Christmas Day, 1900. Instead of shooting birds, they counted them.

Count Rules are simple:

Each bird count is a circle 15 miles (24 km) in diameter, about 177 square miles (458 sq. km). Bird counters try to cover as much of the circle as possible within a 24-hour calendar day, counting each individual bird and species they find.

2022 marks the 123rd anniversary of Christmas Bird Counts. Over 60,000 volunteers will participate in over 2,600 counts and tally over 42,000,000 birds during the December 14 - January 5 count period. Count sites can be found in all Canadian provinces and territories, all 50 US states, Mexico, Central and South America.

Why Count?

Birds are indicators of the overall health of our environment. Christmas Bird Count data over time in any given area can provide valuable insight into the long-term health of bird populations and the environment. Click here for the 2021 Christmas Bird Count summary and data analysis.

The Christmas Bird Count is the longest running ornithological database and is used to monitor the status of resident and migratory bird populations across North America. The +470 Canadian counts are co-ordinated by Bird Studies Canada. Count results are published annually by the National Audubon Society and are now available at the: Christmas Bird Count Home Page.

Compiler's contact information and detailed maps of all Canadian count circles are available on the Bird Studies Canada web site.


Below are the tentative dates for local counts in the 126th annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC):

Dec 20 - Cedar Creek (CC ON), Paul Pratt, pratt.paul@icloud.com
Dec 21 - Blenheim (BL ON), Keith Burk, keithburk2@xplornet.com
TBD - Erie Islands (LE OH), Sumiko Onishi, info@pibo.ca
TBD - Point Pelee (PP ON), Sarah Rupert, sarah.rupert@pc.gc.ca
TBD - Holiday Beach (HB ON), Jeremy Hatt & Kory Renaud, hattjeremy@hotmail.com kory.renaud@gmail.com
TBD - Wallaceburg (WL ON), Steve Charbonneau, steve.charbonneau60@gmail.com
Jan 01, 2026 - Detroit River (DR MI), Paul Pratt for Ontario portion
Jan 01, 2026 - St Clair NWA (SL ON), Alan Woodliffe, awoodliffe@hotmail.com
TBD - Bothwell, Jim Burk, jimburk@icloud.com
TBD - North Shore/Lakeshore (NS ON)
TBD - Comber Essex County CBC circles

Department of Parks
To send comments or questions:
Information last updated : January 2025
URL of this page : http://www.ojibway.ca/cbcsites.htm
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