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Nymph of Greater Anglewing
Katydids and crickets can be separated from grasshoppers by their long antennae (longer than body). Immature orthopterans do not pass through a pupal stage and look much like smaller versions of the adults with stubby wings.
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, katydids, crickets) of Ojibway
A female Two-spotted Tree-cricket.
Grasshopper, crickets and katydids belong to the insect order Orthoptera (meaning "straight-wing") and are best known for their powerful hind limbs and ability to jump. There is a single generation per year with adults most commonly present in late summer. A few species overwinter as nymphs and the adults appear in spring or early summer.
There are 49 species recorded in the Ojibway area. Species such as Short-winged Green Grasshopper, Scudder's Short-winged Grasshopper and Say's Bush Cricket have affinities to prairie habitat while others such as Walsh's Grasshopper, Davis's Tree Cricket, Two-spotted Tree Crickets and Eastern Ant Cricket are southern species rarely recorded in Canada.
Many katydids and crickets can be more easily identified by song than by sight. Many species are accomphished singers and the park is alive with song on warm summer and early autumn evenings. The Snowy Tree Cricket is well known as the "temperature cricket". Count the number of chirps in 13 seconds and add 40 to calculate the temperature (F.).
Here is a 13 second MP3 recording of Snowy Tree Cricket taken at Ojibway. What was the temperature?
Ojibway Grasshoppers
- Chloealtus conspersa Harris Sprinkled grasshopper
- Dichromorpha viridis (Scudder) Short-winged Green Grasshopper
- Melanoplus bivittatus (Say) Two-striped Grasshopper
- Melanoplus confusus (Scudder) Little or Pasture Grasshopper
- Melanoplus differentialis differentialis (Thomas) Differential Grasshopper
- Melanoplus f. femurrumbrum (De Geer) Red-legged Grasshopper
- Melanoplus islandicus Blatchley Forest or Graceful Grasshopper
- Melanoplus punctulatus griseus (Thomas) Griseous Grasshopper
- Melanoplus scudderi scudderi (Uhler) Scudder's Short-winged Grasshopper
- Melanoplus walshii Scudder Walsh's Grasshopper
Oedipodinae, Band-winged grasshoppers
- Arphia sulphurea (Fabricius) Spring yellow-winged grasshopper
- Chortophaga viridifasciata (DeGeer) Green-striped grasshopper
- Dissosteria carolina (Linnaeus) Carolina Grasshopper
- Spharagemon bolli bolli Scudder Boll's Grasshopper
- Paratettix cucullatus (Burmeister) Hooded Pygmy Grasshopper
- Tetrix arenosa angusta (Hancock) Obscure Pygmy Grasshopper
- Tettigidea lateralis lateralis (Say) Sedge Pygmy Grasshopper
- Ellipes minutus minutus (Scudder) Minute Pygmy Grasshopper
(click on image to enlarge)
Differential Grasshopper Melanoplus d. differentialis
Two-striped Grasshopper Melanoplus bivittatus
Short-winged Green Grasshopper Dichromorpha viridis
Red-legged Grasshopper Melanoplus f. femurrubrum
Griseous Grasshopper Melanoplus punctulatus griseus
Spring Yellow-winged Grasshopper Arphia sulphurea
Say's Bush Cricket Anaxipha exigua
Roesel's Katydid Metrioptera roeselii
Ojibway Crickets and Katydids
- Ceuthophilus brevipes Scudder Short-legged Camel Cricket
- Ceuthophilus meridionalis Scudder Striped Camel Cricket
Tettigoniidae - Conocephalinae
- Conocephalus brevipennis (Scudder) Short-winged Meadow Katydid
- Conocephalus nigropleurum (Bruner) Black-sided Meadow Katydid
- Neoconocephalus ensiger (Harris) Sword-bearing Conehead
- Orchelimum gladiator Bruner Gladiator Meadow Katydid
- Orchelimum nigripes Scudder Black-legged Meadow Katydid
- Orchelimum vulgare Harris Common Meadow Katydid
Tettigoniidae - Tettigoniinae
- Metrioptera roeselii Roesel's Katydid
Tettigoniidae - Phaneropterinae
- Amblycorypha oblongifolia (De Geer) Oblong-winged Katydid
- Microcentrum rhombifolium (Saussure) Angle-winged Katydid
- Scudderia curvicauda curvicauda (DeGeer) Curve-tailed Bush Katydid
- Scudderia furcata furcata Brunner von Wattenwyl Fork-tailed Bush Katydid
- Scudderia texensis Saussure and Pictet Texas Bush Katydid
Tettigoniidae - Pseudophyllinae
- Pterophylla camellifolia camellifolia (Fabricius) Northern True Katydid
Gryllidae – Gryllinae
- Gryllus pennsylvanicus Burmeister Fall Field Cricket
- Gryllus veletis Alexander & Bigelow Spring Field Cricket
Gryllidae – Myrmecophilinae
- Myrmecophilus pergandei Bruner Eastern Ant Cricket
Gryllidae - Nemobiinae
- Allonemobius fasciatus (De Geer) Striped Ground Cricket
- Allonemobius griseus griseus (E.M. Walker) Gray Ground Cricket
- Allonemobius maculatus (Blatchley) Spotted Ground Cricket
- Eunemobius carolinus (Scudder) Carolina Ground Cricket
- Neonemobius palustris (Blatchley) Marsh Ground Cricket
Gryllidae - Oecanthinae
- Neoxabea bipunctata (De Geer) Two-spotted Tree Cricket
- Oecanthus exclamationis Davis Davis's Tree Cricket
- Oecanthus fultoni T. Walker Snowy Tree Cricket
- Oecanthus nigricornis F. Walker Black-horned Tree Cricket
- Oecanthus niveus (De Geer) Narrow-winged Tree Cricket
- Oecanthus quadripunctatus Beutenmiiller Four-spotted Tree Cricket
- Anaxipha exigua (Say) Say's Bush Cricket
- Neocurtilla hexadactyla hexadactyla (Perty) Northern Mole Cricket
Cricket images
Northern Mole Cricket Neocurtilla hexadactyla hexadactyla
Two-spotted Tree Cricket Neoxabea bipunctata
Male chewed this hole and used it as a song perch
singing Snowy Tree Cricket Oecanthus fultoni
singing Black-horned Tree Cricket Oecanthus nigricornis
Davis's Tree Cricket Oecanthus exclamationis
Katydid images
Oblong-winged Katydid (pink morph) Amblycorypha oblongifolia
Angle-winged Katydid Microcentrum rhombifolium
Sword-bearing Conehead Neoconocephalus ensiger
Common Meadow Katydid (male) Orchelimum vulgare
Black-legged Meadow Katydid (female) Orchelimum nigripes
Black-legged Meadow Katydid (male) Orchelimum nigripes
Photographs © P.D. Pratt, T. Preney