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Wisconsin Orchids
by flowering period.
Showy Orchis
Galearis spectabilis
Yellow Lady-slipper
Cypripedium calceolus
Purple Twayblade
Liparis liliifolia
Fen Twayblade
Liparis loeselii
Apectrum hymale
Shining Ladies' Tresses
Spiranthes lucida
Tubercled Orchid
Platanthera flava
Tall Northern Bog Orchid
Platanthera hyperborea
Ragged Fringed Orchid
Platanthera lacera
Showy Lady-slipper
Cypripedium reginae
Eastern Prairie White-fringed Orchid
Platanthera leucophaea
Helleborine Orchid
Epipactis helleborine
Orange-fringed Orchid
Platanthera ciliaris extirpated
Spotted Coral-root
Corallorhiza maculata
Three Birds Orchid
Triphora trianthophora
Nodding Ladies' Tresses
Spiranthes cernua
Oval Ladies' Tresses
Spiranthes ovalis
Great Plains Ladies' Tresses
Spiranthes magnicamporum
Orchids of Ojibway
Many people are surprised to discover that several kinds of wild orchids can be found in the Windsor - Essex region.
30,000 kinds of orchids are known, more than any other family of plants. Over 60 kinds are found in Ontario with 18 species found in the Windsor-Essex region. The Ojibway Prairie Complex is a good area to look for several species.
Orchids of tallgrass prairie include Great Plains Ladies' Tresses, Ragged Fringed and Prairie White-fringed Orchid while oak woodland provides habitat for Purple Twayblade and Yellow Lady-slipper orchids.
Mature deciduous forest remnants in the county support several orchids including Putty-root, Showy Orchis, and Spotted Coralroot.
(click photo for larger image)
Showy Orchis This orchid of rich moist forest blooms in mid May. It is only known from a single location in Essex County but is widespread in southern Ontario.
Small Yellow Lady-slipper An uncommon orchid of oak woodlands and small prairie clearings. It flowers in late May and early June. This photo was taken by Russ Jones near Brunet Park, LaSalle in 2003.
Purple Twayblade This endangered species is most often found in open oak woodland, growing with Pennsylvania sedge and braken fern. This photo was taken at Black Oak Heritage Park.
Fen Twayblade This small orchid is often found in abandoned gravel pits and other sandy, wet locations where vegetation is sparse. This photo was taken on June 20, 1996 at Tallgrass Prairie Heritage Park.
Shining Ladies' Tresses This orchid is separated from other members of the genus by the yellow lip and early flowering period. This photo was taken on June 20, 1996 at Tallgrass Prairie Heritage Park.
Great Plains Ladies' Tresses This orchid is separated from nodding ladies' tresses by the spreading lateral sepals that curl over the flower head and the late flowering period. This photo was taken on September 29, 2008 in LaSalle by Tom Preney.
Ragged Fringed Orchid This orchid can be found in tallgrass prairie and open meadows. It is separated from the next species by its deeply divided lower lip. Enlarged photo taken by Russ Jones.
Eastern Prairie White-fringed Orchid This is our tallest orchid, reaching over 1 metre in height. The blooms appear in wet prairie by late June and are pollinated at night by large sphinx moths. This photo was taken on July 8, 2002 at Tallgrass Prairie Heritage Park.
Helleborine Orchid This is one of the few non-native orchids found in Ontario. Although very common in many areas of southern Ontario it has only been recorded at scattered locations in our region.
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Photographs © Paul Pratt, Tom Preney, Russ Jones