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Local CBCs
Point Pelee CBC, 1998
The Point Pelee Christmas Bird Count includes the national park, Leamington and Wheatley area. Sixty-three field participants and six feeder watchers covered this area on December 21, 1998 and found 60,218 birds of 103 species (vs 94 species in 1997).
Wood Duck, American Woodcock and Brown Thrasher were observed count week but missed on count day.
Swainson’s Thrush and Harris’s Sparrow were new to the count. Record high counts are shown in bold.
Common Loon 1, Pied-billed Grebe 10, Horned Grebe 2, Double-crested Cormorant 1, Great Blue Heron 13, Tundra Swan 2, Mute Swan 2, Canada Goose 391, Green-winged Teal 198, American Black Duck 18, Mallard 989, Northern Pintail 11, Blue-winged Teal 1, Northern Shoveler 61, Gadwall 156, American Wigeon 450, Canvasback 16, Redhead 8, Ring-necked Duck 49, Greater Scaup 1678, Lesser Scaup 10428, scaup species 1023, Oldsquaw 7, Black Scoter 7, Surf Scoter 103, White-winged Scoter 11, scoter species 6, Common Goldeneye 45, Bufflehead 121, Hooded Merganser 317, Common Merganser 1689, Red-breasted Merganser 3096, merganser species 1100, Ruddy Duck 5, Bald Eagle 2 ad., Northern Harrier 4, Cooper's Hawk 3, Sharp-shinned Hawk 4, Red-shouldered Hawk 3, Red-tailed Hawk 20, Rough-legged Hawk 2, American Kestrel 17, buteo species 3, Ring-necked Pheasant 27, Virginia Rail 1, American Coot 930, Killdeer 3, Dunlin 2, Bonaparte's Gull 2612, Ring-billed Gull 12109, Herring Gull 739, Lesser Black-backed Gull 1, Great Black-backed Gull 261, gull species 801, Rock Dove 174, Mourning Dove 1112, Eastern Screech-Owl 14, Great Horned Owl 12, Northern Saw-whet Owl 3, Belted Kingfisher 2, Red-bellied Woodpecker 9, Downy Woodpecker 135, Hairy Woodpecker 3, Northern Flicker 25, Horned Lark 289, Blue Jay 114, American Crow 665, Black-capped Chickadee 55, Tufted Titmouse 5, White-breasted Nuthatch 9, Brown Creeper 40, Carolina Wren 21, House Wren 1, Winter Wren 4, Marsh Wren 1, Golden-crowned Kinglet 199, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1, Eastern Bluebird 10, Swainson's Thrush 1, Hermit Thrush 15, American Robin 162, Northern Mockingbird 1, Cedar Waxwing 81, European Starling 9540, Yellow-rumped Warbler 13, Common Yellowthroat 1, Northern Cardinal 395, American Tree Sparrow 1728, Chipping Sparrow 3, Field Sparrow 7, Fox Sparrow 1, Song Sparrow 262, Swamp Sparrow 106, White-throated Sparrow 77, White-crowned Sparrow 129, Harris's Sparrow 1, sparrow species 2, Dark-eyed Junco 518, Lapland Longspur 11, Snow Bunting 240, Red-winged Blackbird 392, Rusty Blackbird 137, Common Grackle 7, Brown-headed Cowbird 394, blackbird species 130, Purple Finch 9, House Finch 564, American Goldfinch 138, House Sparrow 2293.
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