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Local CBCs
Amherstburg portion of Rockwood CBC, 1998
The Rockwood, Michigan Christmas Bird Count includes a small portion of Ontario along the Detroit River between Amherstburg and the mouth of the Detroit River. Twelve people covered this area on December 27, 1998 and found 56 species by mid day. The entire count tallied 87 species this year.
Great Blue Heron 12, Tundra Swan 7, Canada Goose 1015, Wood Duck 2, American Black Duck 3, Mallard 109, Common Goldeneye 20, Bufflehead 8, Common Merganser 88, Red-breasted Merganser 37, merganser species 13, duck species 41, Bald Eagle 2 ad., Cooper's Hawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk 5, Ring-necked Pheasant 4, American Coot 14, Little Gull 1 adult, Bonaparte's Gull 154, Ring-billed Gull 230, Herring Gull 50, Great Black-backed Gull 26, gull species 1800, Rock Dove 118, Mourning Dove 140, Eastern Screech-Owl 7, Great Horned Owl 1, Red-headed Woodpecker 2, Red-bellied Woodpecker 1, Downy Woodpecker 21, Northern Flicker 3, Horned Lark 7, Blue Jay 29, American Crow 12, Black-capped Chickadee 2, White-breasted Nuthatch 2, Brown Creeper 2, Carolina Wren 2, Winter Wren 2, Golden-crowned Kinglet 10, American Robin 1, Cedar Waxwing 3, Northern Shrike 1, European Starling 217, Northern Cardinal 35, American Tree Sparrow 135, Song Sparrow 12, Swamp Sparrow 5, White-throated Sparrow 7, Dark-eyed Junco 82, Lapland Longspur 3, Snow Bunting 5, Red-winged Blackbird 2, blackbird species 15, Brown-headed Cowbird 129, House Finch 121, American Goldfinch 33, House Sparrow 290, finch species 17.
PARTICIPANTS: Paul Desjardins, Glenn Gervais, Hank Hunt, Wes Kinnin, Rene Kielbasa, Betty Learmouth, Anne Muir, Ron Muir, Paul Pratt, Lloyd Sayer, Elaine Sinnott, Robert Wickett.
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