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June 1998 Sightings in the Windsor Area
June 1998 Monday, June 29: The butterfly count will be held next Saturday, July 4th. The flight season is well advanced this year and many species more typical of July are already on the wing. Examples include Coral(June 20), Acadian(June 24), Edward's(June 25) and Banded(June 12) Hairstreaks, Northern Pearly Eye(June 23), Appalachian Eyed Brown(June 18), Northern Broken Dash(June 15), Little Glassy Wing(June 13) and Delaware Skipper(June 23).
Monday, June 22:
The dragonfly outing on Saturday visited the ponds at Tallgrass Prairie Heritage Park and the creek in front of the Nature Centre. It was perfect weather for seeking odonates, hot and sunny and 17 species were observed (Skimming Bluet, Fragile Fork-tail, Eastern Forktail, Common Green Darner, Common Baskettail, Prince Baskettail, Eastern Pondhawk, Dot-tailed Whiteface, Red-waisted Whiteface, Widow Skimmer, Common Whitetail, Twelve-spotted Skimmer, Four-spotted Skimmer, Painted Skimmer, Blue Dasher, Ruby Meadowhawk and Black Saddlebags). ![]() The adult mayflies are well known for their brief (ephemeral) adult lives, just a few days at most. They do not feed or drink during their short existance. They mate in swarms and the females return to the lakes to lay their eggs. The nymphs play an important ecological role as they feed on algae and in turn are eaten by fish. Tuesday, June 16: Mid June is the best time to observe early summer prairie wildflowers. A short walk today revealed such interesting species such as Ohio Spiderwort Tradescantia ohioensis, Ragged-fringed Orchid Platanthera lacera, Purple Milkweed Asclepias purpurea and Pale-spike Lobelia Lobelia spicata in the provincial nature reserve. Monday, June 8: A young Gray Fox found on Pelee Island provided the first confirmed breeding record for Ontario. The kit will be cared for by Erie Wildlife Rescue until it is old enough to release. An adult Gray Fox was also seen crossing the road at Fish Point Provincial Nature Reserve on Sunday (Paul Pratt). Monday, June 1: Black Oak Heritage Park had a few lingering migrants today including Blackburnian Warbler (2), Black-throated Blue Warbler (1), Canada Warbler (1) and Least Flycatcher (3). Breeding birds are much more evident as indicated by Gray Catbird (31), Cedar Waxwing (55), House Wren (37), Red-eyed Vireo (13), Baltimore Oriole (8), Scarlet Tanager (1), Rose-breasted Grosbeak (4) and Indigo Bunting (15). If you find a turtle wandering far from water at this time of year chances are it is looking for a sunny spot to lay eggs. Male and female Painted Turtles can be separated by the length of their front claws. Males have much longer claws on their front legs than on their rear legs. Females have the same size nails on all four limbs. Damselflies reported over the weekend at Rondeau Provincial Park include Emerald Spreadwing (common), Elegant Spreadwing, Amber-winged Spreadwing, Marsh Bluet, Hagen's Bluet, Fragile Forktail, Eastern Forktail (common) and Sedge Sprite. New dragonflies for the year include Swamp Darner and Blue Dasher. Freshly emerged Common Green Darners are adding to the existing population of migrant individuals. |
June 1998 Sightings in the Windsor Area. Ojibway Nature Centre Home Page. Department of Parks & Recreation, Windsor, Ontario. http:///www.ojibway.ca/june98.htm
(c)1998 City of Windsor. All rights reserved.
Created July 6, 1998.