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Vascular Plants
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Ojibway's Species at Risk
This list contains over 160 species of provincially rare plants and animals recorded from the Ojibway Prairie Complex and neighbouring areas of the City of Windsor and town of LaSalle. No other site in Ontario supports such a concentration of rare species. Plants designated endangered, threatened or extirpated in Canada are noted in the list. Phlox pilosa and Platanthera ciliaris that
are known from old literature reports without the support of specimens are excluded from this list. Eleven species have not been recorded in the past 25 years. Several insect species and ten plant species found at Ojibway (such as the Slender Bush-clover, Lespedeza virginica, shown in the photograph) are not known from elsewhere in Ontario or Canada.
Provincial status is derived from the Natural Heritage Information Centre: Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario (Srank of S1, S2 or S3).
Click here for our Species at Risk brochure.
119 Provincially Rare Plant Species
| Common Name |
Agalinis purpurea
| Large Purple False Foxglove |
| locally common: moist, sandy open areas |
Agalinis skinneriana
| Pale Purple False Foxglove |
| rare: found at a single site in LaSalle (ENDANGERED) |
Agrimonia parviflora
| Small-flowered Agrimony |
| common: prairies and savannas |
Aletris farinosa
| Colicroot |
| uncommon: low, open, sandy sites (THREATENED) |
Ammannia robusta
| Scarlet Ammannia |
| rare: found at one moist, open sandy area (ENDANGERED) |
Amorpha fruiticosa | Indigo Bush |
| rare:
found at one site along the Detroit River (considered native only on Pelee Island) |
Aristida longespica | three-awn grass |
| rare:
open, sandy prairies |
Aristida longespica var.
geniculata | three-awn grass |
| rare:
open sandy prairies |
Aristida purpurascens | Arrow Feather Three-awn |
| uncommon: low, open, sandy prairies. Known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. |
| rare:
found at a single site. Known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. |
purpurascens | Purple
Milkweed |
| uncommon: wet prairies and savannas |
Asclepias sullivantii | Prairie Milkweed (photo) |
| uncommon: wet prairie sites and old fields |
verticillata | Whorled Milkweed |
Asclepias viridiflora | Green Milkweed |
| known
from an old record (pre 1925) |
Aureolaria flava | Smooth Yellow False-foxglove |
| uncommon: savanna and open woodland |
pedicularia | Fern-leaved
False-foxglove |
Baptisia tinctoria | Yellow Wild Indigo |
| uncommon: prairies and savannas |
Bidens coronata | Southern Tickseed |
| known
from an old record (pre 1925) |
capillaris | Hair-like Bulbostylis |
| rare:
disturbed sandy openings |
Carex bicknellii | Bicknell's Sedge |
Carex conoidea | Prairie Gray Sedge |
Carex frankii | Bristly Cattail Sedge |
Carex gracilescens | Slender Wood Sedge |
Carex gravida | Long-awned Bracted Sedge |
| known
from an old record (pre 1925). Known in Ontario only from the Ojibway area. |
Carex meadii | Mead's Stiff Sedge |
muskingumensis | Swamp Oval Sedge |
Carex squarrosa | Narrow-leaved Cattail Sedge |
Carex suberecta | Wedge-fruited Oval Sedge |
| rare:
moist prairies and wetland edges |
Carex swanii | Downy Green Sedge |
| rare:
dry, sandy savanna and woodland |
Carex tetanica | Common Stiff Sedge |
Carya laciniosa | Big Shellbark Hickory |
Carya glabra | Sweet Pignut Hickory |
| uncommon: dry savanna and woodland |
Castanea dentata | American Chestnut |
| rare: dry woodland, especially Black Oak Heritage Park and Spring Garden (ENDANGERED) |
Chimaphila maculata | Spotted Wintergreen |
| rare: oak woodland(THREATENED) |
Coreopsis tripteris | Tall Coreopsis |
Cuscuta campestris | Field Dodder |
Cuscuta cephalanthi | Buttonbush Dodder |
Cuscuta coryli | Hazel Dodder |
Cyperus lupulinus | Slender Sand Sedge |
sessilifolium | Sessile-leaved Tick-trefoil |
| known from an old record in 1901. Known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. |
Digitaria cognatum | Fall Witch Grass |
Echinochloa walteri | Walter's Barnyard Grass |
spectabilis | Purple Love
Grass |
| rare: dry, open, sandy sites |
atropurpureus | Burning Bush |
| rare: known from a single site, now "developed" |
altissimum | Tall Bonest |
| uncommon: prairie and old fields (considered native in Ontario only on Pelee Island) |
purpureum | Sweet Joe-pye-weed |
| uncommon: open moist woodland |
gymnospermoides | Viscid Grass-leaved Goldenrod |
Fraxinus profunda | Pumpkin Ash |
Galium pilosum | Hairy Bedstraw |
Gaura biennis | Biennial Gaura |
| uncommon: prairies and roadsides |
Gymnocladus dioica
| Kentucky Coffee-tree |
Heuchera americana
| Rock-geranium |
moscheutos | Swamp Rose Mallow |
| rare: single site in LaSalle (SPECIAL CONCERN) |
gentianoides | Orange-grass |
| rare: damp sandy openings. Not known from elsewhere in Canada. |
prolificum | Shrubby St. John's-wort |
Hypoxis hirsuta | Yellow Stargrass |
Iris lacustris | Dwarf lake Iris |
| known from an old record in 1901. (THREATENED) |
Juncus acuminatus | Sharp-fruit Rush |
Juncus biflorus | Two-flowered Rush |
brachycarpus | Short-fruited Rush |
| rare: prairies. Known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. |
Juncus greenei | Greene's Rush |
Juncus marginatus | Grass-leaved Rush |
Koeleria macrantha | June Grass |
| rare: known from a specimen in 1973. |
Krigia biflora | Two-flowered Cynthia |
Lechea minor | Small Pinweed |
| rare: Known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. |
Lechea pulchella | Pretty Pinweed |
Lechea villosa | Hairy Pinweed |
Lespedeza virginica | Slender Bush-clover |
| rare: known only from two sites. Presently known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. (ENDANGERED) |
Liatris aspera | Rough Blazing-star |
Liatris spicata | Dense Blazing-star (photo) |
| common: moist prairies (THREATENED) |
| rare: oak woodland (THREATENED) |
canescens | Hoary Puccoon (photo) |
alternifolia | Seedbox |
Ludwigia polycarpa | Many-fruited False Loosestrife |
| uncommon: wet prairie, ditches |
Lythrum alatum | Winged Loosestrife |
| rare: LaSalle Woods (ENDANGERED) |
Nelumbo lutea | American Lotus |
| known from a 1911 record along Detroit River. |
Nuphar advena | Yellow Pond-lily |
Oenothera pilosella | Prairie Sundrops |
| rare: known only from a single site. |
Oxypolis rigidior | Stiff Cowbane |
columbianum var. commonsianum
| Common's Panic Grass |
| known from an old record in 1955. |
| Mat Panic Grass |
sphaerocarpon | Round-fruited Panic Grass |
villosissium | White-haired Panic Grass |
Paspalum setaceum | Slender Paspalum |
| rare: open, sandy prairies |
flava var herbiola | Tubercled Orchid |
| rare: wet prairies (ENDANGERED) |
Polygala cruciata | Crossleaf Milkwort |
| known from an old record in 1894. Known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. |
Polygala incarnata | Pink Milkwort (photo) |
| rare: sandy prairies. Known in Canada only from Ojibway and Walpole Is. (ENDANGERED) |
Polygonum erectum | Erect Knotweed |
| known from an old record (pre 1925) |
Polygonum tenue | Slender Knotweed |
| rare: dry, sandy prairies |
verticillatum var. pilosum | Hairy Mountain Mint |
| common: moist woods and savannas |
Quercus shumardi | Shumard Oak |
| rare: moist woods (SPECIAL CONCERN) |
Ratibida pinnata | Gray-headed Coneflower |
Rhus copallina | Winged Sumac |
Rosa setigera | Prairie Rose |
| uncommon: open woods and thickets (SPECIAL CONCERN) |
Scirpus clintonii | Clinton's Club-rush |
| rare: sandy, open prairies |
Scleria triglomerata | Tall Nut-rush |
| uncommon: sandy, open prairies |
Scleria pauciflora | Few-flowered Nut-rush |
| rare: sandy, open prairies. Known in Canada only from the Ojibway area. |
Senecio plattensis | Prairie Ragwort |
terebinthinceum | Prairie Dock |
albidum | White Blue-eyed Grass |
Solidago riddellii | Riddell's Goldenrod |
| uncommon: wet prairies (SPECIAL CONCERN) |
Solidago rigida | Stiff-leaved Goldenrod (photo) |
magnicamporum | Great Plains Ladies'-tresses |
Sporobolus asper | Rough Dropseed |
| uncommon: prairies and roadsides |
helvola | Trailing Wild Bean |
| uncommon: prairies and old fields |
Symphyotrichum (Aster) dumosum | Bushy Aster |
| uncommon: open, sandy prairies |
Symphyotrichum (Aster) praealtus | Willow Aster |
| uncommon: damp prairies and old fields (ENDANGERED) |
revolutum | Waxy Meadow-rue |
ohioensis | Ohio Spiderwort (photo) |
| common: prairies and savannas |
Verbesina gigantea | Wingstem |
| known from an old record in 1885. |
Vernonia gigantea | Tall Ironweed |
| status uncertain: prairies, savannas and old fields |
Vernonia missourica | Missouri Ironweed (photo) |
| common: prairies, savannas and old fields |
virginicum | Culver's Root (photo) |
| common: prairies and savannas |
| rare: (may not be native) |
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Molluscs (poorly studied in area)
Mesodon pennsylvanicus (Proud Globelet) S1
Mesodon zaletus (Toothed Globe) S1S2
Insect diversity is very high at Ojibway (likely over 3000 species!) and very few species have been reviewed by COSEWIC or Ontario. Visit our insect page for more information. A few examples of provincially rare (S1, S2, S3 ranking) species include:
Archilestes grandis giant spreadwing (only location for Canada)
Enallagma aspersum azure bluet S3
Enallagma basidens double-striped bluet S3
Ischnura hastata citrine forktail S2
Aeshna clepsydra mottled darner S3
Epiaeschna heros swamp darner S2S3
Gomphus vastus cobra clubtail S1
Gomphus graslinellus pronghorn clubtail S2
Progomphus obscurus common sanddragon S1
Stylurus notatus elusive clubtail S2
Macromia taeniolata royal river cruiser S1
Celithemis eponina halloween pennant S3
Libellula semifasciata painted skimmer S2
Libellula vibrans great blue skimmer S1
Perithemis tenera eastern amberwing S3
Neoxabea bipunctata two-spotted tree-cricket S1?(photo)
Dicromorpha viridis short-winged green grasshopper S1?
Microcentrum rhombifolium angle-winged katydid S2S3
Melanoplus walshii Scudder Walsh's grasshopper S3S4
Melanoplus scudderi scudderi (Uhler) Scudder's short-winged grasshopper S1?
Anaxipha exigua (Say) Say's bush cricket S2S4
Oecanthus exclamationis Davis tree cricket
Myrmecophilus pergandei Bruner eastern ant cricket
Chariesterus antennator euphorbia bug S1S2 (tallgrass species)
Cuerna fenestella S1S2 (only location in Ontario)
Neokolla heiroglyphica (only location for Canada)
Delphacodes waldeni S1S2 (only location for Canada)
Thorybes bathyllus southern cloudywing S2S3
Papilio cresphontes giant swallowtail S2
Erynnis brizo sleepy duskywing S1
Erynnis baptisiae wild indigo dusky wing S1
Euphyes dukesi Duke's skipper S2
Achalarus lyciades hoary edge skipper SU
Poanes massasoit mulberry wing S3
Satyrium caryaevorum hickory hairstreak S3S4
Strymon melinus grey hairstreak S3
Asterocampa celtis hackberry emperor S2
Asterocampa clyton tawny emperor S2S3
Danaus plexippus monarch (SPECIAL CONCERN)
Catocala connubialis connubial underwing ?S1?
Catocala praeclara praeclara underwing S3S4
Papaipema sciata culver's root borer ?S1?
Faronta rubripennis pink streak ?S1? (photo)
Mydas clavatus (Diptera: Mydidae) mydas fly
Loxocera ojibwayensis (Diptera: Psilidae) endemic to Ojibway!
Lampropeltis triangulum Milksnake (SPECIAL CONCERN)
Elaphe gloydi Eastern Fox Snake(ENDANGERED) (photo)
Thamnophis butleri Butler's Garter Snake (ENDANGERED)
Sistrurus catenatus Eastern Massasauga Ratttlesnake (ENDANGERED)
Eumeces fasciatus Five-lined Skink extirpated (ENDANGERED POPULATION)
Chelydra serpentina Snapping Turtle (SPECIAL CONCERN)
Emydoidea blandingii Blanding's Turtle (THREATENED)
Graptemys geographicaNorthern Map Turtle (SPECIAL CONCERN) LaSalle
Sternotherus odoratus Stinkpot (SPECIAL CONCERN) LaSalle
Apalone spinifera Spiny Softshell Turtle (THREATENED) LaSalle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle (SPECIAL CONCERN) LaSalle
Colinus virginianus Northern Bobwhite extirpated (ENDANGERED)extirpated
Tympanuchus cupido Greater Prairie-Chicken (EXTIRPATED)
Ectopistes migratorius Passenger Pigeon (EXTINCT)
Chordeiles minor Common Nighthawk (SPECIAL CONCERN)
Antrostomus vociferus Whip-poor-will(THREATENED) migrant sp.
Chaetura pelagica Chimney Swift (THREATENED)
Melanerpes erythrocephalus Red-headed Woodpecker (THREATENED)
Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon (NOT AT RISK, Nov 2017)
Contopus virens Eastern Wood-pewee (SPECIAL CONCERN)
Empidonax virescens Acadian Flycatcher (ENDANGERED)
Contopus cooperi Olive-sided Flycatcher (THREATENED)migrant sp.
Hylocichla mustelina Wood Thrush (THREATENED)
Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow (THREATENED)
Riparia riparia Bank Swallow (THREATENED 2013)
Baeolophus bicolor Tufted Titmouse(S2S3)
Vireo griseu White-eyed Vireo(S2B,SZN)
Parkesia motacilla Louisiana Waterthrush(THREATENED) migrant sp.
Setophaga cerulea Cerulean Warbler(THREATENED) migrant sp.
Protonotaria citrear Protonotary Warbler(ENDANGERED) migrant sp.
Wilsonia citrina Hooded Warbler (SPECIAL CONCERN)
Cordellina canadensis Canada Warbler(THREATENED) migrant sp.
Icteria virens Yellow-breasted Chat (ENDANGERED)
Euphagus carolinus Bobolink (Special Concern)
Setophaga cerulea Rusty Blackbirdr(THREATENED) migrant sp.
Sturnella magna Eastern Meadowlark (THREATENED)
Lasionycteris noctivagans Silver-haired Bat S4 (ENDANGERED)
Lasiurus borealis Eastern Red Bat S4 (ENDANGERED)
Lasiurus cinereus Hoary Bat S4 (ENDANGERED)
Myotis lucifugus Little Brown Bat (ENDANGERED)
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Grey Fox (THREATENED)
Please cite this page as:
Pratt, Paul D. 2024. Provincially Rare Vascular Plants and Wildlife of the Ojibway Prairie Complex (Version FEB2024). Ojibway Nature Centre Home Page. Department of Parks, Windsor, Ontario. http://www.ojibway.ca/raresp.htm
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