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April 1999 Sightings in the Windsor Area
Friday, April 30: A Whip-poor-will was heard calling behind the nature centre on Thursday evening. Over at Devonwood Conservation Area Fred Urie found 76 Yellow-rumped, 12 Palm, 4 Black-throated Green, 2 Nashville and 1 Pine Warbler. An American Pipit was seen in a field next to the CA. Wednesday, April 28: Highlights from Ojibway's birding trip to Pelee this morning included 15 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Pine Warbler, Summer Tanager and Black Vulture. The tanager was seen on the multi-use trail near Camp Henry and the vulture, first reported by Alan Wormington, spent much of the day along the west beach between the Visitor Centre and the tip. Here at Ojibway yesterday observers reported Blue-gray Gnatcatchers and Brown Thrasher in the nature reserve (Kirk McCarthy and Fred Urie), Palm Warbler, Blue-headed Vireo and Brown Thrasher at Black Oak Heritage Park (Fred Urie). A Sora was found at the pond in Spring Garden ANSI (Josie Hazen) and many Hermit Thrushes, Chipping Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows were seen at Tallgrass Prairie Heritage Park (Paul Pratt). White Trilliums, Yellow Trout Lilies, Wood Anemones and Spring Beauties are now in bloom along local park trails. Paul Pratt, Tom Hince, Glenn Gervais and Bruce Di Labio finished with second place in the Lower Rio Grande Valley's portion of the Great Texas Birding Classic. The KOWA sponsored team recorded 212 species on Saturday, April 24. Wednesday, April 14: More flowers are beginning to appear including the first hepaticas, bloodroot and yellow trout lily. Matt Baker reported the following species at Little River yesterday: Brown Thrasher (1), Eastern Phoebe (2), Wood Duck (2), Yellow-rumped Warbler (1), Hermit Thrush (3), Golden-crowned Kinglet (many) and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (1). The first Ruby-crowned Kinglets were seen at Ojibway yesterday (PD Pratt). Now is the time to clear out Purpe Martin nest boxes as martins have begun to arrive. The first immigrant dragonflies, Green Darners, appeared at Ojibway on April 8. Tuesday, April 6: Eight Butler's Gartersnakes and a hatchling Midland Painted Turtle were discovered during a field trip in LaSalle today. Monday, April 5: American Toads started calling April 3, joining Northern Leopard Frogs and Western Chorus Frogs at Ojibway. Spring Peepers are calling at Pelee and Wood Frogs were heard at Rondeau Provincial Park on Saturday. Randy Horvath found 13 Fox Sparrows along Little River on Saturday and the local area's first migrant Vesper and Savannah Sparrows. Extensive mudflats along the Canard River at Canard Drive supported large flocks of Pectoral Sandpipers on April 2. Friday, April 2: Point Pelee's first migrant warbler, a Louisiana Waterthrush, was seen in Tilden's Woods yesterday by Michael Carlson and today at the north end of the Woodland Nature Trail (PD Pratt). A Virginia Rail, seen along the Marsh Boardwalk, was a very early record for the Pelee area (PD Pratt). Song Sparrows, Fox Sparrows and Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers were seen throughout the park. Thursday, April 1: American Hazel, American Elm and some willows are flowering after a week of warm weather. The tiny white blooms of Whitlow-grass, Erophila verna have been out since March 26. Golden-crowned Kinglets and Northern Flickers have appeared in good numbers and the spring's first Purple Finch was visiting the centre bird feeders today. Yesterday Glenn Gervais found four Long-eared Owls and two Screech-Owls along Little River.
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Information last updated : 30 April 1999 URL of this page : http:///www.ojibway.ca/apr99.htm Copyright © 1999. All rights reserved |
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