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March 20003 Sightings in the Windsor Area![]()
Visit the Nature Centre's Upcoming Events page and ECFNC Activities page for upcoming programs. There is a new shortcut to Ojibway's web site. Instead of trying to remember our URL just tell your friends to enter www.ojibway.ca to reach our site. Tuesday, March 25: Fred Urie heard the first Chorus Frogs singing today at the Spring Garden Natural Area and Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve. Monday, March 24: Russ Jones found a male Eurasian Wigeon at Ranta Walter Marina today. The marina is located on Higway 18 just south of the River Canard bridge. The first Snapping Turtle of the spring was seen today in front of the nature centre and the first Northern Leopard Frogs were heard calling in the park. Three Fox Sparrows were seen in the Ojibway Prairie Provincial Nature Reserve on Saturday (PD Pratt) and there were local reports of Turkey Vultures and Tree Swallow on Saturday. Thursday, March 20: The first Mourning Cloak (4) and Eastern Comma (2) butterflies were reported today at Ojibway and Malden Park (Fred Urie and Tom Preney). The first reptile of the spring was also found today, a Midland Painted Turtle, at the edge of the partially frozen creek in front of the nature centre. Tuesday, March 18: Ian Woodfield visited Little River today and reports a Hermit Thrush, three Long-eared Owls along the creek bed and a Northern Shrike at John's Pond. Tom Preney saw about eight Eastern Bluebirds along the Titcombe bike path today. Canada Geese and Belted Kingfishers have returned to the creek in front of the nature centre. R. Tanner reported a female Eastern Towhee today. Monday, March 17: The first American Woodcock was heard by the nature centre this evening. The Titcombe bike trail is a good location to listen for displaying males over the next six weeks. Box Elder Bugs are emerging from hibernation. Several hundred were seen on the south side of one home today. Pussy willows are finally beginning to open but are almost three weeks behind last year's appearance. Warm weather arrived Saturday and brought large numbers of Common Grackles and Red-winged Blackbirds into Essex County. Robins, Killdeers and Great Blue Herons were also reported. By Sunday robins were showing up in backyards throughout Windsor and Killdeers could be heard everywhere. Gary Tetzlaff reported 18 Northern Pintails, 4 Long-tailed Ducks, 1 Brown Thrasher, 1 Northern Mockingbird and 40+ Double-crested Cormorants from Leamington on Friday. Ray & Linda Dupuis reported a Bald Eagle along Turkey Creek in LaSalle on the 15th. Monday, March 10: The current spell of winter weather has resulted in few sightings of spring migrants. The first Killdeer of the spring was seen on Saturday flying over Brunet Park and the first Red-winged Blackbirds were seen on Sunday. The male White-winged Scoter continues to be seen at Lakeview Marina. There was also an immature Iceland Gull at this location today (Fred Urie). Tuesday, March 4: Ian Woodfield reports that the Northern Saw-whet Owl was seen again today near the Little River Pollution Control Plant and that the number of Long-eared Owls along the creek bed has increased to five. Saturday, March 1: The first chipmunk of the spring was seen at the nature centre today.
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Information last updated : 25 March 2003 URL of this page: http://www.ojibway.ca/march03.htm Copyright © 2002. All rights reserved. You are on a City of Windsor Web Site. |
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